
Wallet integration

clubs-core provides connection API for all plugins to integrate with wallets without any duplicated code.

Using shared wallet connection

Use a wallet connection established by other plugins, mostly the theme plugin, by subscribing to Observables provided by connection.

import { connection } from '@devprotocol/clubs-core/connection'



connection().account is streaming the EOA address of the connected wallet. The new value will be emitted each time the user switches accounts.

// '0x5yw4...' or undefined when disconnected


connection().chain is streaming the chain ID that used by the connected wallet. The new value will be emitted each time the user switches blockchains.

// 137, 80001... or undefined when disconnected


connection().provider is streaming the Provider object of ethers. The new value will be emitted when set by other plugins.



connection().signer is streaming the Signer object of ethers. The new value will be emitted when set by other plugins.



connection().eip1193Provider is streaming the EIP1193 Provider object, mostly the window.ethereum. The new value will be emitted when set by other plugins.


Loading of connection

connection is an API for browsers, so make sure the caller is always running on the browser. The most simple way is mounting the component with client:only directive of Astro.

With client:only directive

import { connection } from '@devprotocol/clubs-core/connection'

let account: string
connection().account.subscribe((_account) => {
account = _account

import Account from './Account.svelte'

<Account client:only="svelte" />

With dynamic import

Another way is to use import and load the API on the browser. This case allows the use of directives that make the component pre-renderable, such as client:load.

import { onMount } from 'svelte'

let account: string

onMount(async () => {
const { connection } = await import('@devprotocol/clubs-core/connection')
connection().account.subscribe((_account) => {
account = _account

import Account from './Account.svelte'

<Account client:load />

Set connection

One of the key roles of theme plugins is to update connection values and emit wallet connections to other plugins.

The most recommended method is to use setEip1193Provider. Simply calling setEip1193Provider will update the values of all other Observables and start subscribing to wallet events.

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onMounted } from 'vue'
import { BrowserProvider } from 'ethers'
import type { connection as Connection } from '@devprotocol/clubs-core/connection'

let connection: Connection
onMounted(async () => {
const { connection: _connection } = await import(
connection = _connection

const onClick = async () => {
try {
const eth = (window as any).ethereum
await eth.send('eth_requestAccounts')
connection().setEip1193Provider(eth, BrowserProvider)
} catch (error) {

<button @click="onClick">Connect</button>

Using separated connection space


// TODO: Write this