ERC-721 tokens minting
In Dev Protocol, ERC-721 tokens indicate a staking position for any of Property Tokens, have a specially extended interface, and are referred to as sTokens.
Mint ERC-721 tokens
Immediately mint the users ERC-721 tokens by executing depositToProperty
function of Lockup contract.
function takes 3 arguments:
- Property Tokens address
- Staking amount
- Bytes32 payload (Optional)
- Dev Kit JS
- Polygon/Arbitrum and their testnets
- Ethereum
To deposit DEV on any Property, the contract will request pre-approval of DEV. But Dev Kit JS has a comprehensive API to handle the process. positionsCreate
from Agent API wraps the functionality of depositToProperty
as well as returns the approval status.
import { positionsCreate } from '@devprotocol/dev-kit/agent'
import { whenDefined } from '@devprotocol/util-ts'
import type { BaseProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers'
// This function mints an ERC-721 tokens by staking the specified staking amount to specified property, and returns the new tokenId.
export default (provider: BaseProvider) => {
const from = (provider as Web3Provider).getSigner().getAddress()
const start = await positionsCreate({
// Property address
destination: '0xDbc05b1eCB4fdaEf943819C0B04e9ef6df4bAbd6',
// Staking Value in Multiple of 10^18
amount: '1000000000000000000',
// Payload
payload: '0x7468697320697320616e206578616d706c650000000000000000000000000000'
// When approval is needed, start.approvalNeeded is true, and start.approveIfNeeded does send the approval transaction. When approval is not needed, start.approvalNeeded is false, and start.approveIfNeeded does not send anything
const approveIfNeeded = await whenDefined(start, (x) => x.approveIfNeeded())
// When approval is needed, approveIfNeeded.waitNeeded is true, and start.waitOrSkipApproval does wait until confirmed the transaction. When approval is not needed, approveIfNeeded.waitNeeded is false, and start.waitOrSkipApproval does not do anything and resolve immediately
const waitOrSkipApproval = await whenDefined(approveIfNeeded, (x) => x.waitOrSkipApproval())
const stake = await whenDefined(waitOrSkipApproval, (x) =>
const staked = await whenDefined(stake, (x) => x.wait())
// Staking transaction confirmed on-chain!
Smart-Contract implementation assumes that Lockup contract has the spending approval for the DEV token
// to be updated...
See Ecosystem Addresses for lockup contract addresses.
Smart-Contract implementation assumes that Lockup contract has the spending approval for the DEV token
// to be updated...
See Ecosystem Addresses for lockup contract addresses.